Cornus sericea
Redtwig Dogwood
This Oregon native is a broadleaf deciduous shrub that reaches 4-8' tall and wide. Simple leaves are dark green above and blue-green below. Small white clusters of flowers appear on ends of branches from mid-spring to summer. Following bloom period, white to bluish white berries appear, attracting birds. Fall foliage is red or red-orange. Bare red stems of this plant appear during winter, providing interest all year round. Stems are used for floral arrangements. This plant tolerates full or part sun with moist or wet soil. This shrub will not spread as much if planted in shady areas. More fruit will be produced if several plants planted together. Prune one third of the oldest stems, at ground level, each winter, to encourage more juvenile red stems.
Full, Half
Low, Medium
Growth Rate
Soil Type
Sandy, Clay, Loam, Rocky, Unparticular
Soil Condition
Average, Poor, Moist
Soil pH
Adverse Factors
Mulching and adding compost to soil can minimize evaporation and help soil absorb and store water.