
Plants by Common Name

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   
Wisteria sinensis 'Alba'

White Chinese Wisteria

Heuchera sanguinea 'White Cloud'

White Cloud Coral Bells

Romneya coulteri 'White Cloud'

White Cloud Matilija Poppy

Leucophyllum frutescens 'White Cloud'

White Cloud Texas Ranger

Nierembergia caerulea 'Alba'

White Cup Flower

Achillea X kellereri

White Daisy Yarrow

Crataegus laevigata 'White'

White English Hawthorn

Erythronium revolutum 'White Beauty'

White Fawn Lily

Abies concolor

White Fir

Sphaeralcea ambigua 'White'

White Globe Mallow

Anemone X hybrida 'Alba'

White Japanese Anemone

Chrysanthemum frutescens 'White Lady'

White Lady Marguerite

Agapanthus africanus 'White'

White Lily of the Nile

Spiraea alba

White Meadowsweet

Artemisia lactiflora

White Mugwort

Morus alba

White or Silkworm Mulberry

Penstemon spectabilis 'White'

White Penstemon, Royal Beard Tongue

Zephyranthes candida

White Rain Lily, Zephyr Flower

Cistus X hybridus

White Rockrose

Cistus ladanifer 'Albiflorus'

White Rockrose

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