Apply for a $50 rebate when you purchase and install a new Energy Star qualified Washing Machine. See ENERGY STAR for a list of qualifying models.
Apply for a $75 per HET rebate when you replace your old water-wasting toilet(s) with an EPA WaterSense labeled 1.28 gpf High-Efficiency Toilet(s) HETs. See Water Sense for a list of qualified WaterSense models
Residential home water audits help identify usage habits, pinpoint leaks, and can cut water usage by as much as 30 percent by implementing simple conservation measures.
Hillsboro Water offers Home Water Audits to review customer's indoor and outdoor water use, troubleshoot issues, and recommend easy ways to save water and money by becoming more efficient. Check here for more information.
The City of Hillsboro, City of Beaverton and the Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) are partnering to develop the mid-Willamette River at Wilsonville as an additional regional water supply source by 2026. The Willamette Water Supply Program includes building a modified intake on the mid-Willamette River at Wilsonville, a water treatment plant, storage tanks, and more than 30 miles of large-diameter transmission pipeline traveling north from Wilsonville, through Beaverton, and into Hillsboro. Visit www.OurReliableWater.org to learn more about this future water supply.
Apply for up to $200 for replacing or installing a Weather-Based Irrigation Controller at your residence. Check www.hillsboro-oregon.gov/rebates for more information.
Receive up to $150 rebate when you purchase and install a new Smart Water Meter monitoring device. These devices can help you monitor and manage your home’s water usage. Check here for more information.